Is Your Way In Your Way?

Riding Towards Fulfillment: A Journey of Courage and Change

Cassandra Crawley Mayo Season 2 Episode 100

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Ever felt like your way was getting in your own way? Join us for a transformative discussion with Lucy Ptasznik, who turned her passion for horses into a thriving seven-figure business. Learn how the power of a burning desire, inspired by Napoleon Hill, can fuel your journey from corporate monotony to entrepreneurial success. Lucy's story is a vibrant testament to resilience and the incredible impact of embracing failures as stepping stones to achievement.

Discover the profound journey of self-discovery and breaking free from limiting beliefs that hold us back from a fulfilling life. Reflecting on personal experiences, we explore the courage it takes to leave a secure corporate job and the skepticism faced when pursuing a passion for horses. Through self-development, meditation, and heightened awareness, we offer insights into challenging traditional beliefs and expectations, underscoring that life can be rich with possibilities and fulfillment.

Explore the dynamic intersection of business and spirituality with Lucy's remarkable journey from humble beginnings to owning Michigan's largest public trail riding company. This conversation sheds light on the evolutionary role of personal growth and meditation, inspired by the likes of Dr. Wayne Dyer and Abraham Hicks. By harnessing desire and overcoming limiting beliefs, we aim to inspire listeners to transform wants into actionable goals and awaken to their own greatness. Tune in for practical strategies to align your vision with your deepest desires and unlock your infinite potential.

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listeners and thank you for tuning in to Is your Way In your Way podcast, and I'm your host. My name is Cassandra Crowley-Mayo and, for those new listeners out there, let me share with you what this podcast is all about. It's those individuals who what I call stuck.


You know that there's something that's like a fire in your belly, like it's something you know you should be doing and you want to do, but yet you just can't move. You feel like paralyzed your belly, like it's something you know you should be doing and you want to do, but yet you just can't move. You feel like paralyzed. You know, like, for example, you may want to write a book, you want to probably forgive somebody, get out of a toxic relationship, but you just can't do it. Maybe change churches, but you can't do it because that's something, because you've been to that church for a long time and you just can't move.


Or change jobs, get a promotion, all of those things, but it's like something is like holding you back and that's why this is called Is your Way In your Way podcast, and that's actually the title of my book Is your Way In your Way podcast. I'm sorry, is your way in your way? The name of the book is a self-discovery guide for women on how to restore yourself, learn from your experiences and be your true self again, and we're going to talk about a topic today called unlock infinite potential. We talk about topics related to your personal development. Even allows you to do some self-reflection, and who better else to talk about this is my special guest. Hi, lucy, lucy Ptasznik, how are you today?


I'm doing wonderful. Thank you so much for having me on today.


Oh, it's my pleasure. I'm glad you're on and, before we delve into some questions, I just want to share a little bit about your story so that my listeners can have some form of content with the context that we get ready to have. She has an amazing story, I tell you, and you're talking about resilient. You're going to hear about that, but let me get moving. Lucy's a national speaker, coach and entrepreneur who quit corporate America to pursue her passion, and her passion is horses. She created a seven-figure business buying, training and selling horses nationwide business buying, training and selling horses nationwide. Today, she teaches people special tools and techniques to rewire their subconscious minds to take massive action toward their goals. She challenges you to step aside of your comfort zone and become the best version of yourself mentally, physically, financially and spiritually. Wow, I can't wait to hear about this story. And someone who loves horses, that is amazing.


I remember going to a resort and we had they had horses there and they told us to to come and that was like an. What do you call it? What do you call that, lucy? Yeah, yeah. And so we went over there and they said the horses can feel you. They can feel whether they like you, if they like you, if they don't, you know, go hug the horse and all of that. So that was fascinating for me because the horse that I was hugging really liked me and that made me feel real good. So before we get into the horse, bit for a minute, lucy, what was your life like before you started working for Corporate America?


Yeah. So I grew up in suburbia and I had two middle-class parents blue collar. My mom had two factory jobs and my dad was working full-time. And I was just.


I like to say I was a little girl with a big dream. I was obsessed with horses from the time that I can remember. And just like Napoleon Hill says that if you have a burning desire, the starting point to all success is just that a burning desire. And if you can focus all of your attention, energy, on that desire, you can move mountains. And so every single day I would beg my dad, dad, please buy me a horse, please buy me a horse. But he would remind me like, oh, I'm sorry, sweetheart, our family doesn't have the means to purchase or maintain a horse.


So that's when I took matters into my own hands, the day I turned 16, I got my driver's license and I put an ad on Craigslist saying I'll ride your horse for free.


I had these yahoos calling me from all over with their unbroke green broke horses that hadn't been touched or handled in 10 years, and I was just the happiest thing to have all over God's country riding these horses.


And like I thought I knew what I was doing, I didn't have any idea what it was, um, but the horses quickly taught me because I never had any sort of um professional instruction or riding education thing. You know I'm getting bucked off, flipped over, eaten the dirt right and left, but it was just like one of those failing forward moments kind of like. When you pursue the passion and when you take that leap of faith, you're going to encounter some difficulties, there's going to be some road bumps, there's going to be some obstacles, but the goal is you just have to stay laser focused on your goal and not let anything get in your way, not let anything stop you. So it doesn't matter how many times you fall off the horse or life throws you a curveball, you just got to get back up, dust yourself off and try again. Ride that horse.


So, that's why I like to say that, you know, part of the all success comes with failure. The most brilliant business minds and successful entrepreneurs aren't going to tell you that, oh yeah, they just got lucky. No, they tried and they failed, and they tried and they failed and they just never gave up. And they probably failed more times than most people are even willing to start. So that's, um, that was kind of what kickstarted the journey. And then I was selling horses um, all throughout high school, all throughout college.


I graduated college, I got scooped up into the corporate world and then the next thing, you know, I was getting suited up with high heels and a corporate gig for the next three years Three, yes. And the first year and a half I had an amazing boss and he was absolutely wonderful. Then they switched me and they gave me the world's worst boss. At the time I was like, wow, this is the end of the world as I know it. How am I going to handle this? This is like, absolutely, he's miserable, he's negative. Um, I'm positive and he's not like he can't even stand to be around me, much less me around him. So I thought it was, um, I didn't understand that.


It was a huge blessing at the time, and a lot of times, where we find ourselves in these difficult situations, or in these really difficult circumstances that God will place on our path and we're left asking ourselves, like God, why me? Why is this happening? This isn't fair, life isn't fair. Why'd you do this? And we just have to have faith, unshakable faith, and understand that God's got our back and then he's got this big, bright, brilliant plan. That's so big. Might not be able to see it from our perspective of where we are at this particular time, but now, looking back in retrospect, like thank you, god, for giving me the worst boss in the whole entire world, because that is what inspired me to quit my corporate job and follow my dream to sell horses. So it's like, even when you don't think it's a blessing, just say thank you for everything.


Exactly so. It's interesting how people don't. When we say leave jobs, it's like leave people you know. So it's not necessarily the job you're doing, it's just, perhaps, the individuals that you work with or work for. Now, what is it about you that enabled you to take that leap of faith? Now, that's, that's tough. You know when people are getting their paycheck and you know consistently. And yet you knew from a little girl that you would just enter these horses, and so you made a decision that I want to do what my passion is. So how did you? How did you? What is it about you that that gave you the courage to leave and do your passion?


I would say that I just want to say that I'm I'm not special and there's nothing special necessarily particular about me, nothing special necessarily particular about me, and that I encourage anybody that, if you feel like you're struggling in life, if you feel like you're settling for something that just isn't fulfilling, isn't satisfying, like I just want to remind and encourage people like that there is a better way, that you are meant for more and that you absolutely are worthy of having that that better life, that better job, that improved relationship, that um, improved health.


So and I think it all starts with, um, self-discovery, just like your book is all about, is that I've been.


What I can say is that from a very young age, I have been very much invested in self-development and really understanding how the mind works, and because of that it's and meditation has played a huge role in all of that, because the definition of meditation means to become aware or become familiar with oneself.


We all have unconscious programs and patterns that run our lives and when we're living unconsciously and just going through the motions, it's really easy for us to get stuck in our patterns, to believe all of these limiting beliefs and ultimately, at the end of the day, just just feel stuck.


So that's why it's so important, like the power of awareness and becoming aware of that little voice in your head, becoming aware of those thoughts that you're thinking of, those limiting beliefs that we carry with us our entire lives, and it's like we don't like life doesn't have to be difficult, money doesn't have to be hard to come by. Like like life doesn't have to be unfair, like those are just general statements that people will hear and latch on to and then claim as their own, and it's like there is a better way. So I think that, um, just the self-disco, self-development and the power of awareness because we can't change what we're unaware of is really the start to stepping into our greatness, you didn't have any limiting beliefs about the passion that you had, that you were just gonna leave this job and do your passion.


boy, did you have any limiting beliefs, or?


I had all of them I had all I mean it. It was, um, it was definitely. Hang on'm going to close this door super quick, okay, my pup walked in the door and she nodded the door open with her nose.


I thought that was a puppy I could see and this actually reminded me of during the pandemic. There was a gentleman on the phone on national news doing a Zoom His daughter. You saw that, his daughter bust the door down. Then the the I guess the housekeeper came in. It was so, it was hilarious. So that's what that no, um so to answer your question.


Uh, we, I would definitely say that, walking away from my comfy, cozy corporate job that had full benefits, a salary like a generous salary, the security of a weekly paycheck, I mean it was, hands down, one of the scariest things that I've ever done. And my parents, you know, they're old school. Their belief is you work in a job for 30 years, you stay there, you put your time in, you get your pension and that's the way life is, you don't, you don't? My dad was funny story is I love my dad so much I'm very blessed in the parent department. Going through all of this. Yes, Me and my mom are like we're two peas in a pod.


So she was always there, um, helping me video the horses, getting pictures like sale videos, sale pictures. Um, we'd hook up the truck and trailer and we'd travel around like the state of Michigan on a Saturday morning. It'd be like, okay, how many horses can we pick up and fit in the trailer? And so she was kind of with me, seeing all of it firsthand and experiencing it with me. So I remember it was a December and I had sold six horses going into the colder months and I remember talking to my mom and I'm like mom I made more money selling horses than I did at my corporate job and it's cold outside because the horses are seasonal in Michigan. I'm like I can do this, I know I can do this.


And I remember her saying like honey, I love you and, as your mom, I can't tell you to quit your, your corporate job to go sell horses. That would be irresponsible of me. And then she goes. But, honey, as your mom, I also can't not tell you to follow your dream. So don't tell your dad I said that. Don't tell your dad. I said that. And whatever you do, I'll support. But my dad was like vehemently against me quitting my corporate. He was. He was saying like honey, people have worked their entire lives to have what you have and you're just going to throw it all away. And it was just. There was a lot of, there was a tremendous amount of fear and of course I was up against the limiting beliefs of like, oh my God, what if I fail? What if I can't do this? What if I can't pay my bills? Like I had just bought a house, I had just bought a truck and trailer, I could lose everything. Just just fear of the unknown, fear of failure, Like it was all there.




However, I had been doing it for so many years and then, on top of it, I was in a long-term relationship and so my mom's like, well, why don't you have a baby while you have full benefits in your corporate job? Cause you have healthcare. Yeah, and I'm like mom. If I have a baby right now, I'm like I'm never going to leave corporate. I have to like it was just when. When you have that desire, that's just like pulling at your heartstrings and you just know that you're meant for more and that you just you you can't continue to stay where you're at, then it's just like you just lean into to unshakable faith into God. And you're just like God. I trust you and I'm going to go for it. And that's really what it came down to. And I can very I don't know, I can say now that there has not been one day that I have regretted leaving my corporate job to sell horses.


That's amazing, that people had horses but they want to sell them because they didn't want horses anymore. Is that correct?


Oh, I just got just preparing for this podcast. I didn't even get to read the text message, but somebody sent me a long paragraph about um, they have, uh, they have, a couple of good trail horses and they're looking to find them another, another good home.


So, okay, Because I think I read that you made six figures with this. Um, look, successful six and seven figure business with the horses successful six and seven figure business with the horses.


Yeah, I mean it's so we. So what I? So it's funny because when you look back, starting out, I remember I used to sell horses for seven, eight hundred dollars. I remember when a twelve hundred dollar horse was expensive. I remember my first seventeen hundred dollar horse. I remember my first twenty five hundred700 horse. I remember my first $2,500 horse. And now you know it's like you, you just you move and you grow and you improve and you expand. And I mean Dr Wayne Dyer says that we're not human beings having a spiritual experience, we're spiritual beings having a human experience and the soul is meant to grow and expand and evolve. And um, so now, instead of selling you know $1,500 horses, I might be selling um much higher ticketed horses, whether it's 5,000, 10,000, 15,000, whatever. Um, and then what we've, and then kind of like a side note, is that in the business, in in like the horse sales business, one of my favorite things to do is trail riding, like it's one of my all time favorite things to do?


What's trail riding? What do you mean?


Trail riding is when you trailer out the horses to go inside of a state park or a Metro park and spend the day just riding through the trails in nature. And I wanted to share that with my, with the world. I want to share it with my friends, with the family, with the world, and I um, it's kind of crazy, but I accidentally started one of Michigan's largest public trail riding companies just because I wanted to share the gift and the beauty of trail riding with everybody. And it was just. It spread like wildfire. Um, so everything like I said, like it's kind of just like when you follow that intuition, like you're in that intuitive voice, like that's God speaking, and that's why sometimes we have so many distractions in life. We have to turn down the volume of all of the distractions.


So true, and it's interesting. When you started it, it's like the floodgates just open. You know, like you accidentally, as you indicated to the Michigan's largest public trail riding company riding company. That was an accident, now imagine, you know. So you know there's something said to that, what I call the gift. You know you anointed to do that. We all have anointing, and to me it's a gift. Now I want to know, though. Now you're on a mission right Inspire and awaken people to their own greatness. So how did you transcend from a horse to people?


Yeah, that's an awesome question. So from a young age, like I've always been like, when I was working in corporate, I was like queen of the Excel spreadsheets and it would be like thousands of cells long. And while I'm working on these Excel spreadsheets, I had my headphones in and I was listening to Dr Wayne Dyer for hours and hours and I would take notes, and so now I have like notebooks full of his wisdom and he really shaped my belief system growing up and then, through Dr Wayne Dyer, I ended up stumbling upon the work of Esther Hicks and Abraham Hicks, and so, when I was 21, I attended my first Abraham Hicks workshop, which is what propelled me to begin meditating, which, if there's one thing that I'd recommend everybody start doing immediately, gift yourself with 10 or 15 minutes every single morning and start meditating. I guarantee you it will change and up-level every single area of your life in magical and beautiful ways.


Well, let me ask you this then when you say meditate, what does your meditation look like? Do you just sit there and close your eyes and breathe, or what are you? What are you meditating? Are you intentionally meditating on certain things?


There's a whole. What I like to tell people it's not like meditation is like a one size fits all. I like to kind of give people the visual of it's like a smorgasbord, it's like a buffet. There's all sorts of different kinds of meditations, different types of meditations, and so I have like an arsenal in my phone of different meditations that I've saved over the years and so, and whatever you're in the mood for, and sometimes I have meditations that I like to save and send to certain people when I know like someone's going through something difficult. So you can have different, you can have. I like I think the best ones to start off with are the guided meditations. A lot of people usually. What I hear the most is that people say like, oh well, I can't turn my mind off because it's too busy and it's constantly running. I can't quiet my mind and I'm like that's perfect, that means you're doing it right, because the whole point of meditation isn't as like you're alive, you're not dead, like your mind's not going to stop.


But the whole point is really to become aware of your thoughts. So like, when you close your eyes and you focus on your breath, a thought's going, eventually, a thought's going to enter your mind, and then it's in the recognition of that thought where you just lovingly release it and then come back to your breath and then five, 10 seconds later, another thought's going to come in and instead of falling down that thought pattern of like oh I got to go pick up the kids up, oh, then I got to go grocery shopping.


Oh, what am I making for dinner tonight? Oh, shoot.


I still got a concept that I put me like oh wait, stop, I'm making for dinner tonight. Oh shoot, I still got a concept that I put me like oh wait, stop, I'm thinking again, and then lovingly release that and then come back to your breath. So it's in the awareness of the thought that meditation, that the practice of meditation starts to work. It's magic because the application is when you're out living life, like just driving through traffic and someone cuts you off, instead of having that unconscious reaction when you flip them off and start cussing at them, you're like oh wait, I don't have to react with animosity and fear, I can react with grace and love and compassion. And so when you start doing that like, once you start changing the way you start responding to outside circumstances, that's when you start like, that's when your whole world starts shifting.


So, to answer your question, there's guided meditations, there's mantra meditations, there's silent meditations, there's meditations where you can just put just like a meditative music on in the background breath work, visualization, all sorts of different kinds. So I really just encourage people to just try different things. And if the other cool thing that I'll just throw in here is that every Friday at 10 30 AM Eastern time, I do a live gratitude meditation and our Facebook group, transformation nation. So if anyone's curious, they want to start. They're not sure where, how I'm just. I'm like how can I serve, how can I give back, and that's one of the things I like to offer everybody. So on Fridays, at what time?


10 30 Eastern, a 10 30 Eastern time, and how and how would they tap into that?


On Facebook. It's Coach Lucy Lin, and then I tag the transfer. It's called a group, it's called Transformation Nation, and so it's a free group. Anybody can add. Every single day I'm posting, just like um very, how to intentionally create the life of your dreams and really taking your power back through the power of this, the power of intention. Like we're today, we're recording and it's October 1st, so I wrote out my October intentions because I'm a huge proponent of like using your imagination instead of thinking of like how, what could go wrong. Yeah, how exciting is that?


I know you start, you start writing this stuff down. It's like you're literally putting your order in with the universe. I have a whole YouTube video on how to set your intentions and like all of the magic that will just flow into your life, but you know 15 minutes to do that. Wow, sounds like Dwayne.


Dyer huh. I used to watch him. I really enjoyed him. He was very, very good, and it's interesting how you listen to him at such a young age. I think you tapped in at the right time because it's already embedded in your DNA and it's stuck with you. So kudos for that. Why do you think so many people feel stuck and defeated or depressed?


A lot of things, but the main thing is that people feel stuck. It's truly because they're stuck in a story, and I know that sounds like too easy or too simple, but a lot of times, like when you look at your memory, when you, when, when we're recalling an account that happened to us, did you know our memory is only like 50% accurate. So when we're, when we're calling an event where we thought somebody mistreated us or um was unfair to us in some way, like there's a 50% chance you're holding onto this memory and the memory that never even actually happened. My mom I remember I was out with my mom and she was I don't remember exactly what happened, but she was telling we, we were all together with the family and then the family had said something to her and then, when we left, my mom was like I can't believe that your sister said this and they responded like that. And I'm like mom, they didn't mean it. Like you took that all the wrong. They weren't even talking about that. Like you just put all that in your mind.


It was just like how many times are we all guilty of that? And it's like we're holding onto this memory of the past where we felt that we were wronged and it was like that never happened. And so it's like a lot of times we'll we'll create these stories of how we've been victimized, and I'm not saying that nobody's ever been mistreated or wronged. But what I am saying is that life has no meaning and we as human beings have the power to assign the meaning of our choosing. So we can shift our perspective at any moment in time and change the meaning that we once assigned to something and shift our perspective and see it in a different light. And when we start to do that and we write a new story for ourself, we will miraculously become unstuck, because the stuck version of you is bound by, by limiting beliefs, Um, and really just victimization, where it's like for me, I can't, I can't because of this person, because of that person, because of these outside circumstances, and it's just like let all of that go and create a new persona, create a new belief system.


Your external reality is the perfect projection of your internal beliefs. So shift your beliefs because, at the end of the day, a belief is nothing more than a thought that you keep thinking. You can shift those beliefs. You're going to start shifting things that you're experiencing in your external reality. So if people are stuck, they really need to analyze the thoughts that they're thinking every day and the beliefs that they hold, and the stories that they tell themselves, that they've told about their past, about their present and about their future, and, uh, really analyze like there's so much power in language and like energy of the words that we're using every single day, and so people are using words and language that don't serve them.


So, again, it's just bringing it back to that awareness piece.


Right. So what other ways can individuals unlock their infinite potential?


I think that. So we have a, we have a three-step program, and the first step is understanding that we live in a vibrational universe, that thoughts become things, and understanding how to manage your state. Because when you're able to manage your state, you're able to start really like manipulating reality, if you will, by just like controlling, like how, when you're in a, when you, when you're in an high vibrational state of love and joy and excitement and gratitude and peace, you're going to be making radically different decisions than if you're frustrated or overwhelmed or angry. The most successful people are capable not only of, um, of changing their own state and managing their own state, but also managing the state of others who they're around. So the first, uh, the first pillar is energy and managing your state.


The next one is desire, because, um, it's so many people when you ask them, what do you, what do you want in life, they'll lift off every single thing that they don't want and it's like, well, you can't keep focusing on what you don't want and expect what you want to show up right. So I help people with putting together a vision and crafting the vision that they want to create, and so, and that again folds back into, like the imagination and intention setting. And then the third pillar is belief, because you can have total clarity on exactly what it is that you want to create an experience in life. However, if you don't believe that you're capable, that you're worthy, that you're enough, that you deserve those things, there's always going to be a vibrational discrepancy between where you're at and where you want to be. So that's why I like to help people really just bridge the gap with belief, and that is all about the reprogramming, the subconscious mind, and we have all sorts of different strategies and tools to help people do that.


So, but you also said there's a difference between want and wants and desires.


Yeah, absolutely Actually yeah, okay.


So what's what's the difference? Now I it's like well, I want to write a book. You know, that's what I want to do now. How does the desire play into that? What's the difference?


So I actually just made a post about this the other day. Wanting is easy. Anybody can want anything. Wanting is very like surface level, like yeah, like I want this and I want that, it'd be nice to go do this and go here and I want all of these things. So wants reside in the conscious mind. So when you take like a map of the mind, it's like 5% conscious and then 95% subconscious.


Okay, what you want to do in order to create lasting change in your life is to move that want into a desire. The desire lives in your subconscious mind. Desires are deeply rooted and you know that you've successfully moved a want from the conscious mind into a desire into the subconscious. Once your behavior is altered, once you're changing your habits, because people can say, oh, I want to get healthy, I want to get healthy, I want to get healthy. But it's like if you're sleeping in, waking up eating bonbons, you don't go to the gym, you don't you. You say you want to be healthy, but it's not a burning desire. So until your actions line up with your desire, um, it's just a want.


Okay, Interesting, Okay. So for my listeners who are stuck and they perhaps want to write a book, want to start a business, want to leave their jobs, want to be promoted, want to retire early, what would you share with them? For all these people that are stuck and they want to do things but yet they're like? Another one is I know I need to get out of this toxic relationship, but I just can't seem to get out. That that's, that's a want. So how could they change all these listeners who are stuck? What would you tell them?


I think the first thing is building your desire. Become obsessed with your desire. Okay, put all of your energy, focus attention on that thing that it is that you want to create. Then the other thing is listing out all of the limiting beliefs that you have, Like ask yourself why can't you? What's stopping you? What is stopping you? What is stopping you? Is it lack of time? Is it what sort of fears are surrounding it?


And then, once you start to write out everything that's stopping you, you'll start to see that, like, that's illogical. That's illogical, that's a story that's not really true story. That's not really true. And then you can start writing. And then you write why this is not true, or why you can overcome this, or how to overcome this. Or, if you don't know the answer, you can find somebody with the answer, or you can take a course to educate yourself, or there's you'll start to become. Once you start looking for the solutions, you'll find them. What you seek, you shall find.


But a lot of times it's really like uncovering the details, the subconscious programming that we don't realize resides within us and that has been stopping us this whole time. It's like, well, what's stopping you? What's keeping you in that unfulfilling relationship. Well, um, finances. Well, if finances are the issue, like what can you do to um to increase your finances? And then and there's all sorts of different things If you really want to write that book, then what's been stopping you? Is it time? Well then, let's get really intentional with your time and you know, wake up, wake up an hour early. And every single you know, three, four, five days a week block out time to write that, and and so then you'll start to see, like I said, once, if you really want something, you'll begin to take the inspired action that will bring about those results.


And the other thing I would just add in are just like when you write out your intentions, like your monthly intentions I can't emphasize strongly enough like the power that resides in the pen, and when you're journaling out like so, for example, I just wrote out my October intentions and I wrote today is Thursday, October 31st, it's Halloween and I feel and whatever you want to and I feel so full of gratitude because I've accomplished this, this and this. I feel so at peace, I feel secure and confident, I'm I'm radiating confidence and I love my body. Whatever it is that you want to write. And then, if you want to just focus on one topic, just focus on one topic. But if you want to focus on every area of your life and you want to cover relationships, health, finances, spirituality and then lifestyle, cover all five areas and start like digging deep, use your imagination, Like it should be a super fun process and you read that every single day, or at least every other day, and so when you're doing that, you are triggering the RAS, your reticular activating system.




And so then you're drawing those again what you? Where your energy goes, your focus goes, your energy flows. So when you're reading this over and over again. You're literally drawing those things to you. When you say I am abundant, I am prosperous, I am wealthy, you are literally drawing abundance to you. When you say I'm broke, you're not doing yourself a disservice. You're not doing yourself a huge disservice, you're not doing yourself a disservice.


You're not doing yourself a huge disservice, right? No-transcript? You do it at the beginning of the month, as if it was the end of the month.


Okay, so today is October 1st, so my listeners should write that when on the calendar on the 31st, or should they write it today?


So I would, so I would write it today and I would start it off by saying today is Thursday, october 31st. I would start it off by saying today is Thursday, october 31st and I feel so grateful, excited, blessed, whatever it is, because. And then you go through and you list everything that you've created, everything that you've accomplished, all the positive experiences that have manifested, so, but you write it all in past tense as if it's already happened.


Exactly Okay. Okay, that's what I was trying to understand. You said, like on October 31st, like I was productive, I was got out of my comfort zone, I feel great, I'm grateful for this and that, and then, and then you know, keep saying that and then it'll change your the narrative in your head. Is that the subconscious?


Absolutely. That is part of the subconscious reprogramming.


Hey, that's good. That's good, lucy. One other thing I wanted to ask you. That was a great lesson for my listeners and for me too. I can do the same thing. You had a free it was a 16 week program and how to reprogram. It's worth a thousand dollars, but yet you will. They can download, you condense the program and they can get it free. Tell them about that.


Yeah. So, just like I was talking to you guys earlier about the three pillars of our course, it's a 16 week program on how to very intentionally rewire your subconscious mind to start taking massive action towards your goals, and we've condensed it into it's like a. It's like a two hour six part series that's broken up and digestible pieces, um, and normally it retails on the website for a thousand dollars, but we have the promo code for you and your listeners. Um, the promo code is your way Y O U R W A Y? Um your way, and if you type in that promo code, you can access and download the training at no cost at all and you can start using, implementing these strategies and techniques, so that way you can get unstuck and you can start living your dreams.


So the promo code is all caps or lowercase. Either way is fine. Either way is fine, ok, wow, that's great. So no excuses my listeners, because your subconscious mind transforming identity and it's going to create massive success by doing that. So how would they get that program? How would they tune in or be able to get that program?


If you go to ultimatesuccessblueprintcom I forgot to mention that Go to ultimatesuccessblueprintcom then you can go ahead, click on the training and then enter the promo code and it will be emailed to your email.


Oh, great, great, Well, well, thank you so much for that free tool, cause I see that as a tool. And when you talked about for the individuals that are stuck on certain things, one of the things that when you say a self-discovery journey, you have to work, I mean you have to. You can't just think about this. Those limiting beliefs didn't just come last night. They are. They came over time, so it's not going to take you one night to get over it. So, in order to to change your narrative, you just have to work towards it, and some of us have coaches, mentors. I mean, it's something, it's nothing you can do by yourself, and that's not what our expectations are for one to do it by themselves.


And, as I always say, I am, my mission is for individuals to start living their best life on their terms. Once you find out what your best life looks like, then you have to take action and move forward with it. So Lucy is also a tool and I love that freebie that she gave and everybody likes freebies and even the intentional which you put on your calendar. So she gave us a lot of tips that you can do and this podcast is going to go live and if, in fact, there's something said that you believe will resonate with somebody you know, please forward it Also. This will be on all major podcast platforms and I'd like to thank Lucy. Lucy, anything, any closing remarks?


You've given us a lot, just to remember that you are the powerful, magnificent creator of your own reality, and if your mind can conceive an idea and believe it, it can absolutely achieve it.


Oh, that's good. That's good, lucy. Thank you so much. Lucy, thanks so much for being my guest and my listeners. I will say please subscribe to this channel so you can hear some more great ways, how you can get out of your way and get unstuck. Thank you so much. Bye for now.