Is Your Way In Your Way?

Embracing Courage: Cassandra Crawley Mayo's Journey to Authenticity and Intentional Living

Cassandra Crawley Mayo

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After years of trying to live up to societal expectations, I've come to realize the awe-inspiring power of authenticity and courage in shaping one's life. Join me, Cassandra Crawley-Mayo, as we greet 2025 with open hearts and minds, ready to embrace growth beyond the fleeting nature of New Year's resolutions. With insights from incredible guests like Andrea Johnson and Christine Klein Spraker, we reflect on the profound themes of 2024—authenticity, resilience, and connection—and discuss how these can empower us to face the coming year with intention and purpose. This journey isn't just about looking back; it's about forging a path forward, stepping boldly into a future filled with personal growth and joy.

As we consider the year ahead, courage emerges as a central theme. Imagine crafting a 2025 narrative that prioritizes progress over perfection and vulnerability as a strength rather than a weakness. I share personal anecdotes about overcoming social media distractions and challenge you to identify and release limiting factors that hold you back. With practical strategies like journaling and intentional living, we explore how to align actions with purpose, deepening connections and cultivating a positive mindset. Let's make 2025 a year of courage, connection, and unstoppable growth, living life on our terms and embracing the extraordinary journey ahead.

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Happy New Year to all my listeners out there. I hope you all had a very, very Merry Christmas. And guess what? Yes, this is welcome to Is your Way, In your Way Podcast. And Happy New Year, everyone. And I'm your host for those who don't, and the first time ever hearing this podcast, Cassandra Crawley Mayo yes, I can't believe it.


2025 is here today. The first day of 2025. You know there's a saying that the older you get, time appears to go faster. So hold on, hey, because every year, if you live to live for another year, time's going to be going really fast. Now, listen, since it's New Year's Day, like for me, many of us think about fresh starts or new beginnings, or new goals and the life that we want to create. Some of us even have what I call New Year's resolutions, and I used to have those, but you know what I may have stuck with them for two weeks to a .month. Statistics say, 90% of individuals, and now it maybe 80% of individuals make New Year's resolutions and very few people keep them, and I believe they say, like, in the first couple of weeks they've been forgotten about, you know?


So, before we dive into what's next, I want to really reflect on the incredible journey of 2024. We've been together many of us, you listeners you've explored powerful insights, life-changing stories, transformational, transformative lessons through this podcast. I know that I have learned so much and I hope you have done the same. There are some insights and lessons that I've learned that has actually made me change a bit. You know, I'm seeing things really differently. I'm intentionally getting out of my way a lot more lately. So today let's talk about how we can move forward into 2025. But, however, but before we get to that, I want us to. Well, let me say it like this Some of you are starting this year feeling inspired. Some are uncertain, somewhere in in between, but this episode is for you, no matter where you are right now. So let's get ready for an honest, heartfelt and actionable conversation about living a life of purpose, courage and joy.


Now, one of the things as I reflected on 2024, to me, like I indicated, these podcasts for me have been unforgettable. The guests have been incredible. They brought a lot of wisdom, vulnerability, practical strategies for growth and, as I think back on them, there were actually five themes that emerged that I believe are worth revisiting Like. One of them was authenticity. Authenticity is the foundation of change. Another thing we talked a lot about. A lot was resilience is relentless. And then the third theme was about purpose gives life meaning. And the fourth one was connection is the key to growth. Now, these are the themes, and then the other one, the last but not least, is mindset. Oh my gosh. So let me talk about these themes a little bit Now.


had a guest on, by the name of Andrea Johnson was one and the title of that podcast was called Just Be You. You Start owning yourself. How she talked about let's just be authentic. We hear that word a lot, but what it really means, be yourself. Many of my guests shared, that's when their breakthroughs begin when they stop trying to fit in and to mold or meet external expectation. And it's not just being yourself, it's about expectations brave enough to show the world your true self, even when it feels risky.


I also had another one, Christine Klein Spraker. She was a guest of mine and one of her things that she liked to please people. She just really struggled and many of you listening have that challenge as well and by her being so busy trying to please everybody else. She wasn't being her own authentic self, so she decided to. You know what I'm going to share my journey of stepping into my truth and the ripple effect it had on her life. So the story reminded me of this question that I'm going to ask you what mask are you wearing? And I'll ask you, and I'll ask the same thing for 2025. What's one way you can show up more authentically in 2025? And I'll give an example of myself.


I think many of you are aware that I wrote a book and the book is titled Is your Way, In your Way? And another thing I'm writing another book, but I'll talk about that a little later. But it took me a long time because of my limiting beliefs. But it also took me a while because I didn't want to be authentic. I didn't want people to know my stuff. Now, everything's not in the book about me, but a majority of things and the reason that I shared it because I wanted people that read it many of them to have a breakthrough moment, and many of them did, because they were able to see themselves through my story. So that's kind of what it's all about.


And another one that other common thing was resilience. Resilience is relentless. Okay, I had a guest Alison Ward was her name and her mom passed and it was unexpected. And , she went through so many changes. And another guest that I had was named Ebony Gibson, and some of you may have heard her on Christmas Day and now she's a grief coach and it's just overcoming that personal loss that gives people setbacks. So we learn resilience isn't about avoiding challenges, it's about embracing them as opportunities to grow stronger. And I'm not dismissing loss or anything. I've had loss in my life and I've just been devastated. But there was a point where I can either be bitter about this thing or So, I just changed my perspective a little bit about it.


I know that death is inevitable and these individuals, many of them, I tell you, after the death of these ladies' mom, they became not only relentless, but boy were they resilient. They started doing things that they felt that they were called to do. They started working on their passion. The death of their mom made them say you know what? There's something else that I should be doing. And this is an opportune time because one of the moms died very young. And this guest says you know what? I could do the same thing, but before I go, there's certain things that I always wanted to do. So I'm going to do it. So, even though the journey reminded us that resilience isn't just a trait, it's a skill we build through practice.


So here's a question for you what's one challenge you overcame in 2024? And how can you use that strength in 2025? Think about that. What challenge did you endure in 2024? I'm going to tell you mine. Mine was a lot of growth. Mine was learning new things. Mine was even the podcast. Oh, my gosh, this was so new for me. Also, it was just overcoming that. I can't do this. Who am I to have a podcast? Who's going to listen to my podcast? It just went on and on and on. So that's the challenge that I overcame in 2024. And I'm not saying I've arrived at a podcasting, but I want you to think about one challenge you overcame in 2024. And how can you use that strength in 2025?


The other theme that was talked about a lot was purpose gives life meaning. Hmm, lots was purpose gives life meaning. How many guests have I spoken to Like? One in particular was Kristen Fields. Her background was in psychology, but you know she, as she worked in that field, she realized that that was something that she didn't really want to do. That wasn't her thing. It was so mundane and to her, you know, and to a meaningful and a life, and she started thinking is this worth while? What I'm doing? So what she started doing was she became a guru with podcasts and she started, and one of the things that she does is she helps individuals that are interested in having podcasts and help them with the start up, she trains them and she's doing some mighty things and she has helped countless number of people.


Your purpose doesn't have to be grand. It just has to be aligned with who you are and a lot of the guests. And I even say for myself that finding that purpose didn't happen overnight. For me, it didn't happen overnight. Over time I had little purposes and things I did help me to what I'm doing today. It was a series of small, intentional steps that inspired me to think how can I align more of my actions with my purpose this year, and I challenge you to do the same thing. So my thing is how am I going to align more of my actions with the purpose this year. So not only am I starting my mentoring program, I'm going to do my workshop on how to create, design your best life. So I'm challenging you to do the same and I'm going to ask you again how can you align more of your actions with your purpose this year?


And connection is a key to growth. A lot of people were talking about their communities, their tribes, how connection is essential. And whatever you do, you don't do it by yourself. You cannot do it by yourself. A lot of us, many of us I won't say a lot, but you want to connect with people because you don't know everything. And there may be something that you want to do, but you need help in doing it and you don't know everything. None of us knows everything and you don't know everything. None of us knows everything. So, whether it's connecting with ourselves, our communities or something greater, relationships can fuel a transformation. So just think about the people who lifted you up in 2024. Who will you connect with in 2025 to support your journey? Think about that. It's a lot to think about. These are some actionable steps, guys.


Now the fifth one was mindset Mm-mm-mm-mm. The mind is a battlefield. Oh my gosh, I tell you it's mm. I'm just, the mindset is just. It's so powerful. And I laugh because I think about many of the guests that I spoke with, and I have one guest by the name of Jenny Harkerode. Jenny, oh my gosh, Jenny was a beast. She was a beast when she was a little girl. I mean, you couldn't tell her anything right. And one day she got older, she was very ambitious, ambitious entrepreneur, doing quite well I say doing very well. She fell and broke her back. Nothing she said affirmations doctors, therapists, the chiropractor she said nothing. Nothing helped the pain until she met this doctor and this doctor started talking about your mind and really helped her on that journey.


And she has an app. It's called Leap App L-E-A-P. Like a frog and it's a green frog. You're going to see if you download it. Boy, it is a powerful app and one of the things she said to me you know when you, when you're, I'll share this holidays, especially Christmas and New Year's, were not ever my favorite.


Uh, they were just sad, I don't know. It was all in the mind, though. You know that was when people spend time with families and friends and it just wasn't a good time for me. And one of the things that she said that she has done when you have one of those, you know we have like what? Six thousand thoughts a day and 80 percent of them are negative. And so when you have one of those stinking thinking thoughts, for example for me, I was like, hmm, I don't know about this holiday either, because all my holidays hadn't been so great.


And one of the questions she said to ask yourself when you're going through those spiral moments I would call them is how would you rather feel? And I thought about that and I'm like well, I would rather feel so grateful for the holiday, what a blessing that I'm here, what a blessing I'm in my right mind. That's how I really rather feel, how a blessing that I want to be. I want to feel like I want to be a blessing to others. That's how I really want to feel. So I started thinking about the things, how I really wanted to feel, and you know I forgot all the negative stuff I'm so busy thinking about. You know, I want to be a blessing to others and so that really struck with me.


So whenever I'm dwindling, you know, many of us young ladies, we like to call ourselves divas, right. You know, many of us young ladies, we like to call ourselves divas, right. So there are times when the diva's down. There's a down diva, you know, and if you're feeling down, think about how would you rather feel than what you're thinking then and see whether that will help your mind to shift.


I charge you to check out that podcast by Jenny Harkerord about the mind. It is so powerful. Oh my gosh. I just can't get over it, because what her app does is help you to be intentional about the mindset. I think she said it was like seven seconds or something to change your mind. So I just take a moment, though, to think about these lessons that I talked about, like being authentic, finding meaning, purpose connection with the key purpose gives life meaning. Also, think about resilience is relentless. The other one was about authenticity. Okay, so I'd like for you to just take a moment and think about these lessons and which one of those resonates most with you? How can you carry it forward into this new year? Think about it Now. Let me talk about the vision for 2025. So let's shift some gears and talk about this.


This year, my theme is courage to elevate, For this means to me letting go of fear, embracing bold actions and stepping fully into my purpose. But I'm not just sharing this to inspire you. I want you to think about your own theme for the year. My theme is courage to elevate. You may take a moment to reflect and think about what your theme is, or what's one word or phrase that represents what you want in 2025. What do you want 2025 to be about? Maybe it's joy, or is it balance, or fearless? Whatever it is, let it guide your decisions and actions throughout the year. Think about that.


So, if I want courage to elevate, whatever I do, is this going to serve what my purpose is? Because I want to wake up in the morning excited, because I have meaning, I know that I have purpose and there's something that I must do and that drives me and that gives me a reason. I wake up in the morning and say, all right, now my feet hit the ground and I'm ready to work on my purpose and so let's pack some actionable steps. For example, I know that I'm not, but I'm going to say this because many people that's listened to my podcast know that I say I'm a perfectionist, but choose progress over perfection. I've spent so much time. I was spending time trying to get everything just right and I never progressed, because I'm sitting up here trying to think about how can this thing be perfect? So how often do we wait for the perfect time to start, Like you know what, I'll start 1st of January, or I'll start next month, or you know what, I'm going to start exercising. And I always say somebody told me the other day you know, I'm going to start exercising. I said you know what.


You judge yourself by your intentions and others judge you by your actions. Let me say that again what are you waiting for? You're waiting for the perfect time to start. I'm going to go to school, I'm going to look for a home. I'm going to get out of this relationship. That's toxic. I'm going to meditate more. I'm going to attend church, I'm going to pray more. Okay, that's what you say. So let's focus on the progress, not the perfection, and don't beat yourself up because you've not started yet. Just think about the progress over trying to get everything right. Once I do this, I'm going to do that, and once I do that, I'm going to do this. What's one small step you can take today to move closer to your goals. Another, unpacking the actionable steps.


Embrace vulnerability. It isn't a weakness, it's a superpower. What's something you've been afraid to pursue? Because of fear fear of judgment, or just fear of failure or judgment. And when we have the fear, I was remembering something a guest said and it was an aha for me Fear is like protection. You're trying to protect yourself, You're trying to protect yourself from failure. Are you trying to protect yourself? You're trying to protect yourself from failure, or you're trying to protect yourself or what other people think about you. So get out of that and don't be afraid of it. Pursue it, because what's the worst that can happen? 2025, the year you take that leap and next let go to grow.


What are you holding on to that no longer serves you? Self-doubt, toxic relationships, old habits Like I'm going to tell you one of mine this dag on social media. Don't get me started, I will, I'm being intentional, but I would get up in the morning and look, I said OK, did anybody text me Once that happens? I started scrolling through the reels and I look up it's a half an hour. That's something that I could have been doing, doing something else. So what are you holding on to that's no longer serving you. What is that serving me? To scroll through these reels Sometimes they're really funny, though, and had me cracking up and then I will copy it and paste it and send this to somebody. I'm like come on, Cassandra. So this year I'm challenging myself and you to let go of one thing that's holding us back. Just let it. Let go of one thing, OK, so be relentless about joy.


Joy isn't something that just happens. You know. There's a thing about I want to be happy. I'm like, okay, but for me, I'd rather be joyful, because happiness, to me, is a happening. You know, I remember, like you know, when I got, when I first got married, I was so happy. I was happy because that was something that I always wanted. I always wanted to have a husband and the kids and the white picket fence. Well, I didn't get none of that. I didn't get the white picket fence or the kids and all of that stuff. But what I'm looking for is joy. It's something we cultivate. How can you make joy a daily practice in 2025? Think about that. How can you create and cultivate joy? Make it a daily practice in 2025.


How would I rather feel that saying when we were talking about the mind. Maybe I'd rather feel like I'm in a good place. I'd rather feel like I'm in a great place today. I'd rather feel like I'm just grateful. I'm grateful that I'm in my right mind. I'm grateful that I know somebody that needs prayer, and I want to pray for them. I'm grateful because I've got somebody on my mind, and I think I should call them, and I do. It's amazing how it feels when you give of yourself to someone else. It truly is more blessed to give than receive. I I feel joyful about that.


Now remember, though 2025 is not just another year. It is an opportunity to write a new story for yourself. What will yours be? Think about it. What will your new story be?


Talk about what narrative will you write? What's going to be different for you this year? So I'm going to challenge you as we wrap up. I want to leave you with this challenge. What's one thing, just one thing you'll commit to doing in 2025, what you commit to doing differently in 2025? Maybe it's showing up more authentically building resilience, aligning with your purpose.


Oh my gosh Commit to doing differently in 2025, aligning with your purpose, deepening your connections, your mindset. Maybe you want to start journaling. Maybe you want to think about how would I rather feel and start thinking about how you'd rather feel that day Be intentional. So let's step out of your own way and into the lives that you all were meant to live. Okay, so we did some unpacking, you got some actions to do, and I would love to hear from you about what it is that you're going to do for 2025. So I want to thank you again for being a part of this journey with me. Your support, your feedback, your comments have made this podcast a true blessing. So here's to a year of courage, connection and unstoppable growth. Until next time, the best way forward is always through.


Happy New Year and let's make 2025 extraordinary together. If you'd like to connect with me, you can contact me at mayo@ cassandracC rawley. com. I'm on all social media platforms. I was resilient with that because because social media wasn't my thing, but because I'm clear on my purpose, and my purpose is to empower a generation of women to pivot, to mitigate those self-imposed barriers that's preventing you from living your best life on your terms. And yes, life is short. That is not a cliche, that is the truth. So, again, happy new year and let's make 2025 extraordinary together. God bless and bye for now.