Is Your Way In Your Way?

Transforming Rejection into Resilient Success

August 01, 2024 Cassandra Crawley Mayo

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Ever wondered how to turn your biggest setbacks into your greatest triumphs? Join us as we sit down with Hallie Carbajal, a former actress who transformed her life to become a spiritual leader and star seed coach. Her story is one of grit and grace, having faced 208 rejections while trying to sell a high-ticket program. Hallie’s journey from poverty to a purpose-driven life is a testament to the power of resilience, and she’ll inspire you to see rejections and failures as stepping stones to success.

Hallie delves into the concept of star seeds and their mission to elevate collective consciousness, offering a unique perspective on personal growth. We explore the metaphor of rebuilding a house to symbolize how breaking down old beliefs can lead to a stronger, more aligned foundation. I also share my own experiences, including how a pivotal decision to drop an offer price led to consistent success, with crucial support from my fiancé. This episode underscores the importance of finding your own truth and leveraging psychological patterns for authentic guidance.

We also tackle the impact of personal growth on relationships, especially within families. Hallie shares insights on evolving beyond a poverty mindset and the challenges faced by people pleasers. Learn how to overcome limiting beliefs, and why traditional affirmations and the law of attraction might be outdated. Hallie introduces her five-step methodology for achieving alignment, providing practical tips for balance and harmony. For more transformative insights, connect with Hallie through her website,, and follow her on Instagram @fivestepstoalignment.

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Let me share with you what this podcast is all about. It's for individuals who know within their heart of hearts that there's something that they should do, but they're being challenged with it. And when I mean challenged, they're stuck, they feel like maybe they're not worthy of it or they don't know how to do it. And you know that because of those self-imposed what I call self-imposed limitations is preventing you from living your best life on your terms. And that's why this podcast is about personal and business development and also will enable you to do some self-reflection and say wow, and I always hope that something is said that resonates, that will enable you to pivot from what it is that you're currently doing to do what you believe your purpose is. So our topic today is purpose over present circumstances, and I'd like to welcome to the stage Haley Carbajal. Well, hello, Haley, how are you?


Hi, I am doing great. How are you?


I'm doing wonderful and it's a pleasure to have you on my podcast today. I'm looking forward to it.


Yes, me too.


Yeah, and what I'd like to do now as I read a little bit of your bio, because my listeners like to hear a little bit about you before we delve into our conversation. So, before we dive into our conversation, I'd like to introduce you to our guest, Haley Carbajl. She is a star seed coach and mentor and the creator of Five Steps to Alignment, a program that helps star seeds overcome fear, stagnation, and a lack of direction on their soul's journey to become vibrantly aligned with their soul's mission and purpose. Get ready to explore the depths of your soul journey with Haley. Wow, what a bio. Now, before I start, I have my first question for you, what I'd like my listeners to understand what is a star seed?


Well, put on your seatbelt, because this is very out there. Okay, all right. So this is a theory that there are higher, multidimensional beings, such as T's, that come from a certain star system and project their consciousness here into human body, into human form, and the whole purpose of that is to raise the vibration of the collective consciousness.


Wow, that's a lot. That's a lot. So my first question to you what was your backstory like before you became a spiritual leader and a star seed coach and mentor? What was, what was life like before that?


what was actually? Yeah, so actually I was not gonna.


I did not think I was gonna find myself in the spiritual world at all I thought at that time what I wanted was to be a famous actress. You know I really loved Jim Carrey. I loved goofing around like I did the Grinch in high school and I based it off of the Grinch for that Jim Carrey did and and so it. Actually it feels like the spiritual path or this multi-dimensional path kind of found me. And then you know, just struggles and challenges and you know I've had to overcome a lot of money, mindset limitations, a ton actually, because you know kind of a small backstory grew up in poverty, right, so having to get food from the food bank, things like that frozen corn.


Actually I was kind of like a free workhorse for my parents and their dreams of grandeur. You know they were entrepreneurs but they had a lot of failures and never got paid, never felt. You know they never really made money. Something value is like you do this because it's the right thing to do and you don't pay for it and you just have to swallow that and be okay with that Right.


Even accepting money for my services was really challenging, really challenging for me, and then it really hit home when.


I attempted to do a high ticket offer and high ticket sales. So for a brief period of time, which is where I had, I saw those 208 rejections, like over the course of a year, back to back in a row or day to day in a row. I think that made sense. But when I was doing the high ticket offering, I was offering my program at 5k, which to me, coming from someplace where you know you didn't have anything, you know that was like way out there. It almost seemed insurmountable to even get that. It was unreachable. And so I did it anyway, right, because there is fear, there is your task and I'm grateful for it. It was not easy but I'm grateful for it. It put all of my financial mindset limitations under a microscope.


And by 400 times. It was really intense, and so I think that through that process I learned very well how to do things the wrong way, do them the right way in relation to mindset, work, in relation to overcoming limitations, in relation to discernment and emotional intelligence and being graceful with yourself and things like that. So now I'm pivoting. I'm in a different space in my business right now still an entrepreneur.


But Haley. I'm sorry to interrupt you when you say your high ticket. What was that? What were you selling? What were you pitching?


It was a service.


A service.


Yeah, it was a 10 week program to help specifically with the spiritual journey, understanding the nuance of it and applying it practically.


So this was your business, that that was what you were doing practically. So this was your business, that that was what you were doing right, and that's where you got rejections like 208 times. You kept getting rejected, rejected. Okay, go ahead All right.


It actually admits that. So when I had a local business here I live in Flagstaff, arizona Before I launched online, I was lucky enough. Because of all the financial devastation I went through as a child, I was very focused on making sure I had a cushion right so I saved up in my local business. I was able to save up about $60,000. And I threw that $60,000 all into this high ticket business. I was failing and failing and failing.




I had these 208 rejections. These were essentially consultation calls and they were hour long consultation calls, so it was very hyper focused conversation it was big emotional and mental and also time investment as well.




To get rejected over and over and over. And additionally with that, because I poured everything into this one business, which I don't think there's anything wrong with that but pouring all of my stuff financially into one business, I saw my own financial devastation Right financially into one business. I saw my own financial devastation right, like negatives in the bank account was getting no after no after no, and so it's like you're just hoping that one person says yes, but at the end of the day, at the end of the week, at the end of the month, at the end, of the year.


Nobody said yes.


Yes, okay.


Very, very heartbreaking, challenging. You know, usually when I refer to that chapter in my life, I say I was destroyed by the dream but then rebuilt by it, because I would not have the financial and entrepreneurial sense that I have now if it wasn't for that journey now if it wasn't for that journey, right the all right.


So you were, sounds like, because your parents were entrepreneurs, sound like that entrepreneurship was part of your DNA anyway. And when you said you had a local business and you were doing okay in the local business, was there any time that you felt you should just go back to the local business, opposed to what you're doing now?


Multiple times, multiple times. And I think that's natural, but the truth is when I've had those doubts, when I've questioned myself, I always asked you know, what is it that I actually want? And I want to make you know the obvious things like I want to make an impact, I want to make meaningful content lives, but I also want time and I want to change people's lives freedom.


I don't want to have to sit, you know, in an office that I have to pay rent for, when I have my own bills here at the house to pay for. And I want to reach as many people as possible. I can't do that in a local office.




I live by the understanding that you make decisions based on where you're going, not where you have been, because that actually keep you in stagnation.


OK, ok, so you talked about. The dream initially destroyed you, but it rebuilt you as well.


Mm, hmm.


Yeah, so you were literally destroyed based on the rejections. You kept getting rejection after rejection and by doing so, as you indicated, you grew and you learned from all of these rejections. So, when you said it enabled you to rebuild yourself, what did you learn from all of those lessons that enabled you to rebuild yourself?


Number one was not to follow other people's truths. It's okay to do the intellectual shopping. I like this, I like this, this resonates this, and then let it go if it doesn't resonate. It's about finding the whole journey.


Whether you're an entrepreneur, have a C-level corporate job, whatever it is, it doesn't matter what you do, but the whole point of the path is to pave your own, and that means take other people's truths, but adopt it and adapt it in a way that makes sense to you and resonates with your soul, right, um, and then um, forgive me, remind me of the question, oh, rebuilt by it.




Um, so it is, if you think about it, right if you have a standing home already and, and, the, the floor boards are bad, the, the, the, the piping is bad, all of the, the structure is bad it doesn't make sense to just try and repair it like put two by fours here and two by fours there. It doesn't make sense to let it all go because that is the old.




It's been put in a stronger frame. So the thing about doing the inner work that most people kind of, I think, unconsciously overlook I don't think it's, you know, meant to be this way but they don't realize that the further that they go down in the darkness, actually the higher that they are rising, those roots of darkness, density limitations, old beliefs, all of that are released. Those you're digging deeper, building a stronger foundation so that you can ascend higher and go higher and it goes like that right.


So what was happening is I had to go at it like that saying you know you weren't buried, you were planted right. Through that and release all of the things that were incongruent. Mindset, wise, vibrationally. I had to release all of the things that were not congruent with where I was going. I could transform and evolve into the person that is sitting before you today. That's why, when people are facing challenges, like with women entrepreneurs, when you are facing challenges, instead of looking at it as, oh, it's a, you know, it's just not meant to be, or I'm doing something wrong, or something wrong with me, it's not any of those things.


Reality. You rose your hand and you said I want this thing and creator said yes, god said yes, you can have that, but these are all of the things that will hold you back from actually making that happen. So it comes to the conscious mind to be identified and released and sometimes in that process we're like oh no, I'm doing something wrong, something's wrong with me. This is, you know, when, in reality, that's a sign that what you want is actually happening for you.


Okay, you talked about going deep. Life is short. We've heard that Life. There are ups and downs. It's not always ups. In some instances I hope it's not always downs. But when you go deep down in that dark place, what was it in you that got that dark place to come through the soil where you were planted to see light?


Listening to my own inner voice and what felt authentic to me. So, I dropped the offer from 5k to 1500 and then found consistent, successful months with that.




And I I think it was just like a turning point. You like get sick and tired of being sick and tired. You get sick and tired of beating up on yourself. You get sick and tired of, you know, calling yourself names or blaming yourself and it's like I'm not. I refuse to do that to myself anymore.


I'm just going to love myself instead, but only because that's going to make me feel better. Not because it's going to calculate me to a result, because that's different, but because I just want to feel better. And then, when you let go of the reins and trust, that's when that blooming happens.


Okay, so in doing so did you have support in helping you get there?


out of that, I had one person, my spouse, my fiance.




I actually in this process I lost a lot of my friends and family because they didn't believe in what I was doing Right, and there were other variations to that as well, but I only had one person who believed in me, and more than when I would like believe in myself.




So, based on that, I truly believe that if you only have one person who believes in you, that's enough to get you through whatever you're going through.


Okay, okay, so describe for me what your gift is.


Oh, describe to you what?


you're sorry, it sounded like it didn't sound like a question what your gift is. What is your gift?


Yes, forgive me. So my gift is I am able to perceive psychological patterns and behaviors in another and be able to know exactly the source from which it stems and how to shift it, and I do this by connecting to the highest sources of light and consciousness because I don't believe. I mean, I do believe that there is a place for your higher self, absolutely. But I go to see an energy healer, or if I go to see a coach or a mentor personally, I'm not here to hear, I'm not there to hear their opinion.


I want highest truth. I want efficiency, Connecting to those highest sources of light and consciousness. Even though it's still coming through a channel of me, it releases a lot of the filters that I would have of my opinions and my beliefs. Releases the pressure because I don't have all the answers Nobody has all of the answers.




Okay, so that would be my gift.


Okay, all right. So let's say one of my listeners who indicated indicated there's something that they want to do. It's kind of like they want to excuse me to change jobs. They're just not happy in their jobs and know there's something else out there for them and they become one of your clients. What are some of the steps that you would take to help them get out of that?


steps that you would take to help them get out of that. Stop us. Yes, the first thing I would love to do is for these limiting beliefs, so that they have this life skill of being able to intelligently navigate limiting beliefs, so that they are forever choosing empowerment and forever evolving into empowerment.


Okay, based on the work that you're doing. Why do you think you lost friends and family relationships? Like, just listening to you doesn't sound like something that people would shy away from it. So why do you think you lost family and friends as a result of the work that you wanted to do?


Because. So this is where it gets a little woo-woo here to do, because so this is where it gets a little woo-woo here. So take it if it resonates, leave it if it doesn't, you know, but we have a core vibration, right. We have a core frequency and, based on the people that are in our lives, there's a resonance match there, and so that's why we get along, that's why you and I connected right, because there's some part of us that has vibrational alignment.


So, because of all of the evolution I was going through, I mean, if my family went through and is still choosing to be in poverty and then I'm talking wealth, consciousness and I'm talking about growing outside of the system and things like that that doesn't feel right to them and so it was just this natural breakage relationship. So it's normal that as one evolves and upgrades that, the oldations that you used to be vibrating with and the people that are connected to that will fall away. And then new vibrations, new people will come in.


Right, okay. Okay, that makes sense. When one evolves, it's kind of like you're just in a different place, a different place than they are now. As you become successful and you're out of that poverty mindset and you are past that and you're doing well, though those people that you left behind, or whatever, are they aware of the left you, or whatever success you're having?


Hmm, it depends if they're checking in or not, I suppose. Okay, okay, okay, you know. If they're meant to come back, they will. Okay, yeah, I think that's all I'd like to say about that. You know, detachment is a very freeing thing, and understanding live and let live in its fullest capacity. I don't have ill will towards them. I understand that they're on their own journeys and that's why I don't. It's just not congruent and it doesn't facilitate in where I'm going.


Okay, well, I asked that too, because there are a lot of us that are people pleasers. You know you grew up in a family and you know you want to please your mom, your dad or sister brothers, you know, that's just kind of how you grew up, perhaps. And I was just wondering because there's some people that are listening that won't do because they don't have what they call permission from somebody else to move forward. So that's why I was asking, you know, because you can give yourself permission to do a thing and then when they see that you are successful in doing it, then sometimes people will come back around. But in spite of all of that, not that you really didn't care, but you had a purpose and you wanted to stick with that purpose because you just knew that it was something that you had to do. So you're an individual that didn't, I hate to say you didn't care, but you didn't let others deter you from what it is that you wanted to do, and from that it appears that you're in a better place.


It's very normal, because our family is our biggest anchors. And I don't mean like even I don't mean limitations, I mean that's home, it's grounding.


It's people that you trust.


It's people who know you and you know them. So I fully understand is at least my truth in this is that you're going to have this cost or price to pay either way and stay. There is a way to stay connected with your family members and still be successful.


There is a way many people do it just because it happens for one doesn't mean it happens for all. But you either are going to allow the people in your life to keep you limited and you have this internal ache, or with you that you live with your days or choose the scary thing of that life and that purpose and know that whoever is meant to facilitate you and your growth and your happiness and success they should be there.


Okay. So how do you help someone create their dream reality? By letting go of all the things that they are not. Let me provide an example. Like there is an individual that perhaps it's one of my listeners and they have this dream, and one of them is they want to start their own business, they want to start coaching. So if that's something that you know and they are stuck, they've not made that move yet. You know, and they are stuck, They've not made that move yet. And you said how do you, how do you help someone create their dream reality? What would you do or say to that individual that you're trying to help?


Yeah well, first I would say that we need to take a belief inventory and understand what beliefs, specifically, specifically what beliefs, are holding you back and how are they serving you? By holding on to them, are they keeping you protected somehow?


Are they?


keeping you safe somehow, right, we don't want to take somebody who has a very comfortable corporate job and then say I mean, people do do that and if you do that, kudos to you. Not everybody's ready to make that big leap. And so before you do make that big leap, you want to make sure that you're not jumping off the cliff without a parachute. You want to make sure you can find a way like a side hustle, or find a way to earn money with your passion first, so that it can prove to you that it can sustain you the way a job does, so that eventually you can let go fear, and then showing them effective ways to love and nurture themselves through the process, because really it is a process.


It's not instantaneous.


The density of this reality allows for us to witness. Bear witness to the process and the unfolding and high level perspectives, definitions, meanings and stories to the things that they're going through. It's meaningful, purposeful and they feel like they're making progress.


So that's the inner work that's probably one of the steps to alignment. Is that inner work that you're doing with them?


Correct, ok. With the inner work comes the external information, the external tasks.


Mm, hmm, mm, hmm, ok. Ok, now Something you said about affirmations, and what was? What was the name of? Oh and the law of attraction? Um, you said the affirmations are not as powerful as some people may think and the law of attraction is outdated. Yes, um. And of course, there are individuals that use affirmations like when they get up in the morning I am wonderful, I am special, I am going to accomplish my dreams, I am wonderfully made, I am a child of the living king, you know. So why are those not as powerful as they're marketed to be?


So why are those not as powerful as they're marketed to be? So it depends on who you're being. While you say these things, like I can hear from you, you are in full resonance with that. You fully believe that to be true about you, which is why affirmations like that would work for you, affirmations like that would work for you Okay, that I see affirmations being. I don't want to like to say the word misuse, but where there's a little bit of a gap is when people are trying so hard in a place of force to create something. Let's just like, just say I am worthy, right? Let's talk about the affirmation when you're sitting there and you're in a moment where you don't feel worthy, saying I am worthy, I am worthy, I am worthy. It's like who are you trying to convince? And when you're saying that, what are you actually vibrating? Because the universe does not speak in a language.


It speaks in frequency so if you're saying I am worthy, I am worthy. What you're ultimately vibrating is lack, fear or scarcity, or that is what you're going to get in return but, something happens like somebody gives you a compliment and you know you're rocking it that day. That is the perfect time to use an affirmation that feels, authentic. It's the force of affirmations and hoping that they'll make something happen, rather than being in that state of being and declaring it that state of being and declaring it Okay.


Okay, all right. So it sounds like affirmations can be powerful depending on the individual. There's some, it sounds like there's some people that are saying it just to be saying it, but they're not feeling it.


You have to feel it.


Okay, all right. Well, what about the law of attraction? You know, that was real big back in the day, I don't know how long, but everybody was talking about it and you said that's outdated.


It is, and I'll tell you why. So it's really rather just incomplete.




So the earth? At that time, humanity was at a denser level of consciousness, right, right. So if you go back 50 years, everything is was pretty much systems logic um, you do what needs to be done and then that is it. Right now, people more than ever are listening to their intuition. They trust their intuition more they're listening to their hearts more right. So that indicates enlightenment and a higher level of intelligence and self-awareness right.


Because the humanity was at a denser level of consciousness. That is all that they could convey at that time. Because you can't think beyond what you feel, you cannot perceive what that which you are not the vibration of. So the science is still there, where we do align on a frequency level.


However, we are told that we are the creators of our reality not tractors and to say that you have to attract something means you have to pull this external thing outside of you and beg and bargain and plead and negotiate and change and do all of these tools, tricks and tips in order to win. , in reality, you have everything, everything that you need within you right now to what you want. It is just a matter of unlocking or activating it within you so that you become that frequent, frequential, or and also we always will have what we need. We don't have to force, manufacture anything in order to create what it is that we want.


It is within us.


It's just trusting the process and focusing on who you are being while you do the tasks.


Okay. So with the law of attraction, you know back in the day I don't know how long ago it was, as I indicated. So it sounds like we have evolved some people and with the law of attraction, perhaps that was a tool to help individuals evolve into that state, you know, by attracting something, and maybe that was the, the genesis of people, the evolution, so to speak. So back then it sounds like you thought it was great. Now you say it's kind of outdated because there are more people, as you indicated, are very intuitive and more open to things than they were before. So am I correct in saying that?


Absolutely, you're correct. The law of attraction planted that seed of knowledge that we have more control than we realize. Okay, now it's like we are fully in control, and manifestation is a whole other topic.




I hope that I mean. You framed it very clearly and concisely, Okay. Okay, but I mean you framed it very clearly and concisely.


Okay, okay, you talked about you choose the clients you want to work with, right? So what qualifies them to become your client? What will qualify a person to be one of your clients?


Well, if they're still listening after I said Starseed seed, that's a pretty good indicator. But really you have to be purpose driven. It has to be the leading force, the leading motivator in this next chapter of your life. And you have to really be ready to no longer fight or excuse those limitations and be able to really let them go. I desire to work with those who are committed who are ready and have a bigger picture in their lives. They just don't know how to get there.


Right, okay, that's kind of like hypnosis, you know, and for an individual that's not open to it, like no with them, then I ain't gonna resonate with you okay, okay, just wanted to get my my point across, okay absolutely yeah um, one of the things you said you want to do is your gift, you want to share it with the world. How are you going to do that?


Yeah, well, right now, podcasts, but I'm actually Bold. Brave TV offered me a live TV show with that, and so that's.


The next step in my business is having a live TV show with Bold Brave, just putting content out there. You know. I post reels on Instagram, I make YouTube videos, I do Facebook lives. I'm very interactive with the world as a way that they would like to interact with me. So in any way that feels in alignment, is based you know, is in alignment with the decisions, you know with where I'm going. I will choose to follow that thread, open and receptive to the way it can miraculously land in my lap, you know, but speaking being out there, Okay, okay, okay, that's great.


Um, I just want to talk briefly about your five steps of alignment. Um, now, like you indicated, people would have to be aligned with you and really purpose driven for them to work with you. So you're looking for people like my audience, that are stuck. I mean, they really want to move forward and they, they've just given up. They're like I just you know it's let me use myself it's like this book.


I've been writing forever, so I wrote this book. I started like 12, 13 years ago and I really wanted to write this book, but I just could not get it done, you know. So I started it didn't do anything for a few years, started it again, didn't do anything for a few years. And so and that's probably a lot of my listeners that you know cause, in order to get stuff done, you have to take action, and I took action, but I stopped it. And so and one of yours is why have you become stagnant? How do you sustain alignment? I think it's your fourth alignment, and so, for me, coming and going, I'm doing this, I'm doing that. How could I have sustained that?


And kept it moving Well. That question requires a lot of intricate investigation.




Because were you supporting yourself through it or were you beating yourself up at times Right? You supporting yourself through it or were you beating yourself up at times right? Were you trying to force things?


to come out, or were you following creativity and flow right so?


that that requires some investigation. Okay, um, but if I could give a very general answer, I fully believe that the more that you try to force things to happen or come through, the more you actually hold yourself back. If you set the intention of what you want to happen, follow that inspired action and you take action on that inspired action and you follow that thread, you will wind up where you need to be, because you don't know if you look back on your path.


That start, stop, start, stop actually could have been massively beneficial, because you would write something, it would ferment, something would happen in life. You're like, oh my gosh, that needs to go in the book. Boom, right, that was a process that happened regularly, so how do you? Know that, the 12 years may have been beneficial. That sounds good. I'll take that.


So, haley, do you have any words of wisdom or nuggets that you could share with my listeners before we wrap up, in regards to what they're being challenged with?


Well, challenges are in direct response to your dream. So challenges don't have to be hard. You don't have to suffer through them If you give positive meaning and definition. So may I share three questions. I would love to share this to your audience.


Okay, there are three questions. Is that okay? Sure, so when a challenge, I'll keep it tight, I promise. Okay. Challenges are coming up or you're faced with fear or adversity. Ask yourself these three questions. So the first one is what am I making this mean? Because we first must identify the automatic unconscious program that is keeping you limited. The second one is what could this mean instead? So this is tapping into that higher consciousness, that more light, vibrational meaning, right? The last one is how does this get me closer to my goal? Because challenges, those are still getting you closer to your goal, to your evolution, to your soul refinement. Okay, that's what I would say.


Okay, okay, well, listeners, I hope you wrote that down. If you didn't, you can definitely rewind, replay this podcast, because it will be on every podcast platform and it will enable you to listen over and over and over. I think those were great questions to ruminate over and answer them. You know, get into yourself and answer those questions. Some of them you may think they're too deep or I'm not quite sure, but, like, like Haley said, everything's within us, and if you need to get somebody to help you or support you in this, Haley's available, and so am I. I'm a mentor, I'm not a coach, and and so I just hope that this podcast resonated with you and, and if you believe that it will resonate with somebody else that you know and that's dear to you, please share it. It was a wealth of information. I'm so appreciative of my guest today, Haley Cabajal, and trying to pronounce her name correctly.


And, hallie, thank you so much for your insight and tell my listeners where and how can they find you, locate you yes, five steps to alignmentcom or on instagram very active, and that is at five steps to alignment and that is all spelled out f-i-v-E-T-O and then alignment.


Okay, okay, great, and the five steps is F-I-V-E, not the number five. Exactly yes, Okay great. Okay, well, thank you so much. I always tell my listeners. Bye for now, and may God bless you, and I will see you soon and again. Haley, thank you so much.